Thursday, July 22, 2010

Elisabeth Hasselbeck tries to attack Shirley Sherrod on THE VIEW and fails

While the rest of America understands that Shirley Sherrod was the victim of an attempted media lynching THE VIEW's Elisabeth Hasselbeck, most likely reading from a script provided by Sean Hannity, went on the attack. First she took issue with Sherrod stating her belief that some of the Republican opposition to Obama's health care plan was racist, then she questioned whether or not she violated the Hatch Act. Sherrod wasn't having it, at one point looking at her like she was a simple idiot before putting her in her place with a strong response.


Unknown said...

Hasselback is a dense idiot

Joanne said...

Hasselbeck makes me ashamed to be a white woman. Barbara Walters owes the world an apology for providing this pinhead a daily forum.