Sunday, August 23, 2009

Illinois GOP forgets flag so they Pledge Allegiance to Gene, a man in an American flag t-shirt.

We really enjoyed this item from Doug Finke in today's State Journal Register:

Statehouse Insider: Gene saves the day for GOP

llinois Republicans are a patriotic bunch.

They start their meetings with a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, the nation’s unofficial

loyalty oath. And so it was last

week when Republican Party leaders met at a Springfield hotel prior to attending Republican Day at the Illinois State Fair.

Republican county chairmen (party leaders, not county board leaders) held a meeting and prepared to recite the pledge. Oops. There was no flag in the room for them to face while reciting. What to do?

Why, call on a fellow named Gene to come to the rescue. Gene was wearing a shirt decked out in an American flag pattern. He came forward, and the group of assembled Republicans pledged allegiance to his shirt.

You have to wonder how conservatives would have reacted had Democrats done the same thing.



Rob said...

... not to mention that technically he is desecrating the flag. See section 8d of the Flag Code.

Unknown said...

i pledge allegiance to the shirt
rofl, nice improv

JasonC said...

please please please tell me there is a video of this somewhere's.

Wordsmith said...

Nothing patriotic at all about this. As pointed out, it not only goes against flag etiquette but the man's attire is a flagrant violation.

Charlie said...

From Matt Groening:

"I plead alignment to the flakes of the untitled snakes of a merry cow;
And to the Republicans, for which they scam;
One nacho,
With licorice and jugs of wine for owls."

KeyRose said...

A video has to surface eventually; it just has to.

Just as I'm certain that there's one nacho, underpants.

webberpa said...

What the heck is going on in Illinois? What are they, on dope? If they dont "pray" to the flag everyday, they will what, go to political hell? Was there drinking involved here, seriously?