Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Foster: Johnny Depp leaves $4,000 tip!

Chicago Sun-Times: Stella Foster's Column

WHAT A TIP! ACTOR JOHNNY DEPP was in town last Thursday evening for the red carpet screening of his upcoming blockbuster movie "Public Enemies," opening nationwide July l and co-starring Christian Bale, Marion Cotillard. It's directed by Michael Mann. Late that night, Depp and his entourage partied and relaxed at Gibsons till about 2:30 a.m. I understand that the bill came to $4,400 and that Mohammed A. Sekhani, aka Mo, who is known as "the waiter to the stars" because they all love to sit in his section, received a tip from Depp to the tune of $4,000.

Click here for entire column

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